
Strategic Talent Management
The Company Psychologist Nashville, TN

Psychological assessments are designed to determine how well an individual meets the criteria to perform the job in question, as determined in the benchmarking process, and how well that individual fits within the existing culture of the organization. An individual may be a high performer in one organizational culture and a marginal or poor performer in a different culture, even within the same industry. Similarly, an individual may be a high performer in a sales role but perform at a less productive level in a management capacity.

The assessment process is particularly effective in the following situations:

  • Pre-employment selection for key positions
  • Assessment of current employees for possible promotion
  • As the first step in building a developmental plan
  • As the first step in coaching or mentoring
  • Team building
  • Blending cultures

The Company Psychologist psychological assessment process is customized to meet the unique needs of each client organization, but within a consistent framework. This framework consists of a systematically designed combination of targeted interviews and instruments designed to measure intellectual capabilities, personality characteristics, behavioral styles, emotional intelligence, competencies, and values.

Services offered by The Company Psychologist